2020 Reading Challenge : 23 Books

In 2019, I completed the 52 books challenge, my 2020 reading challenge was to just read 12 books, so that I can focus more on writing rather than just reading. I wrote only few short stories(25 ish, more or less), which is quite below my goal and I ended up reading 22 books and practicing one drawing book.

My Books:

2020 Reading Challenge
2020 Reading Challenge

My favorites:  A Short History Of Nearly Everything and the Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy series.

I must have explored several books that will magically make me happy and provide some kind of inspiration - these are usually self help kind of books centered around happiness, balance, pulling yourself out of depression etc. But what I didn't expect was that a book which sounded more like encyclopedia doing all this. A Short History Of Nearly Everything is a book that explains everything from universe to human body scientifically, yet with a sense of magical touch. It makes you realize how insanely awesome everything is, which we have taken granted. At the end of it, I just felt that, there's so much magic everywhere within and around me, I just need to look properly.

Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy series had the same effect on me what Good Omens did to me last year - leave me in stitches. I have finally understood why British humor is considered so good. I have loved the HGTG movie and this series was a long pending one in my list. I am yet to complete the series and looking forward to do so!

Self help books that actually helped me : 

Daily Rituals - this is book that chronicles the daily rituals of several great people and when I was doing polyphasic sleep, I read one or two rituals every day after waking up, sipping on my coffee. I think this is the right way to read it, instead of reading it all in one go-  from the Goodreads reviews, it becomes boring, if you try to read it all at once. This makes you realize that almost every productive person has always struggled to stick to a productive routine.

Complete List of Books I Have Read:

1. So long and thanks for all the fish, Douglas Adams
2. Life, the universe and everything, Douglas Adams
3. Lagom, Linnea Dunne
4. How to write a book, Dushka Zapata
5. How to be ferociously happy, Dushka Zapata
6. Daily rituals : How great artists work, Mason Currey
7. The restaurant at the end of the universe, Douglas Adams
8. The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, Douglas Adams
9. Dark matter, Blake Crouch
10. A short history of nearly everything, Bill Bryson
11. Ultralearning, Scott Young
12. Stop doing that shit, Gary John Bishop
13. Unfuck yourself, Gary John Bishop
14. The talent code, Daniel Coyle
15. Getting things done, David Allen
16. Fun with a pencil, Andrew Loomis
17. Grit, Angela Duckworth
18. 168 hours, Laura Vanderkam
19. Unlimited memory, Kevin Horsley
20. On writing, Stephen King.
21. How to take smart notes, Sonke Ahrens
22. Ubersleep, Puredoxyk
23. Fluent in 3 months, Benny Lewis



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