Mini challenge : One second video everyday

I am supposed to post my 30 day challenge of June today. But I failed at it so horribly. I can give lot of excuses for that - like how I was so busy working all this month. But I just don't want to post about it without actually completing the challenge. Also, I failed miserably at all my other previous habits - waking up early and reading 30 pages everyday. Again, same excuse - lot of work. So I am going to take up a simple challenge for July so that I can first restore my previous habits first. The challenge for July is simpler than the Outfit and Selfie mini challenge.

This challenge is from a TED video by Cesar Kuriyama.

Rules of the challenge:
Record a second of your life everyday in a video.

1 second video everyday
Vlog of your life

Why you should take this challenge:
  • At the end of a month you will have a 30 seconds video and at the end of an year you will have a ~6 minute video of your life. If you live for another 50 years, that would all fit into a 5 hour video. 
  • You can remember and cherish your favorite memories. 
  • If you are just living in your cube all day, then you will notice that your video looks boring at the end of the month. It will actually give you a perspective on what you are doing with your life.
  • A cool way of seeing your life in vlogs.

Here is the TED talk where you can also watch Cesar's one year in 6 minutes!

He has even developed an app for this which is available on both Android and IOS. It's not free for iphone users though, because...iphone :(. However, if you have an iphone 7, I think you can probably just take Live mode photos which are kind of GIFs. You can find the apps here:

The reason I am posting this challenge before taking it up for July is because I have already done this in 2015 for few months. I found my old video recently and a rush of memories came back. The only tip I can give is - don't forget it for a day, it really hurts, at least that's how I felt when I had done it consecutively for many days and missed a day after that. It feels as if your life record is missing for that day.

I really want to do this for the rest of my life without fail. Let me know if anyone else wants to take up this challenge in comments :)


  1. Wow, this really sounds like a cool challenge. I love videos so the biggest challenge for me will be to keep it to ONE SECOND! Ha. But, I would love to see your video that you did already as inspiration.

  2. My cousin does this and posts her videos on Facebook. They are so cool! I am not very good at remembering to do things like this, but I will give it a try. Some is better than none! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Such an interesting concept, maybe I'll try it. :)

  4. Oh wow...This is an interesting challenge...hmmm... not sure I can jump on it immediately but I sure like the idea

  5. I love this idea. I was thinking of doing a blog post of "a day in the life", but this sounds more interesting.

  6. Interesting. I just joined and start a 10 day challenge tomorrow. Part of it includes videos. I am not a video person so this will be getting out of my comfort zone. I like your idea though about 30 seconds and they add up

  7. this is actually a really cool idea, i think i may have to give it a go

  8. It's a good concept, every little seconds add up :)

  9. Hi Blossawe! I have nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award. If you want to know more about the award and why I nominated you, check my post at :) I hope you'll receive the award and pass it on to other bloggers. Spread the love! <3


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