50 Silly Things To Do This Summer

Summer is here. Unless you are a kid who gets summer holidays, you won't be so happy about it living in a hot country like India. Here are 50 silly and fun things to do while the summer lasts.

Summer Silly Things
Summer Silly Things

  1. Kiss goodbyes to bulky winter clothes, get them to their attic prison and rescue those light cotton stuff.
  2. Now that winter is gone in your place, go in search of it to some hill station.
  3. Brace yourself for the water-bottles-filling-drama at home (No, you drank all the water, you need to fill more bottles)
  4. Stack up your fridge with the essentials - drinks and ice creams. Leave no space for stupid stuff like vegetables or fruits.
  5. Gear up on sunscreen and wet wipes - apply and remove in an infinite loop.
  6. Make people forget how your eyes look by wearing dark sunglasses all the time.
  7. Sing happy summer songs - Summer Breeze.
  8. Sing sad summer songs - Summertime Sadness.
  9. Realize the impact of global warming suddenly.
  10. Shower infinite times in a day.
  11. Walk like a person with shackles in desert - as the sun sucks all the energy out of you.
  12. Good time to play drinking game. Water.
  13. Keep buying more and more deos.
  14. Watch helplessly as the electricity bill goes up with AC usage.
  15. Keep asking nature - Why is there so much light all the time? Why so less night time?
  16. Get jealous of kids enjoying summer holidays and being noisy and playing all the time. Why do these kids never get tired - hopping, jumping, shouting - what is wrong with them? how are they resistant to the sun?
  17. Get a hand fan and pretend to be a pretty Geisha.
  18. Get all nostalgic with the breezy mornings.
  19. Hate all the over crowded tourism places and hate yourself for being part of the problem.
  20. Pretend to be a great shraamik/hard worker- as you keep sweating.
  21. When other countries get all excited for summer and do cute stuff like sun-bathing, sipping on pina coladas lying in a hammock, swinging, barbeque, fishing; you weep for the gone winter being in a tropical country.
  22. Mangoes - the only good thing about summer. Yay.
  23. Be grateful for the little things - air outlets in the lift, a heavy sudden gush of AC when entering indoors etc.
  24. Enjoy Holi more as you get hit by water balloons and water guns.
  25. Wait for the new year. (Ugadi)
  26. Bike people, brace yourselves for the hottest seats ever.
  27. Look out for sparkling people - they are vampires.
  28. Look out for smoking(burnt literally) people dressed in all black- they are draculas-protect them. Bleh bleh bleh.
  29. Kitchen is the new sauna.
  30. If you are a teacher, damn, you are lucky.
  31. Get suffocated in sweaty concerts.
  32. Water yourself as you try to water the plants at home.
  33. Brace yourself for your company's last quarter earnings and in turn for your own hike.
  34. Summer hair cuts: make it short-shorter-even more-not enough-go bald and feel the sunlight reflecting off your head
  35. Time for indoor games-card/board games. No one can complain how you are bad at sports.
  36. Brace yourself for back to school videos on youtube.
  37. For people in humid cities, muahaha, all the best.
  38. Have vacation at office, if you are denied leaves. Get a flower garland, glasses, floral shirt, shorts and sip coconut water at desk.
  39. Stare at sun ominously everyday when he gets annoyingly bright and hot. Accept defeat and lower your gaze before you go blind
  40. Lemonade is an elixir.
  41. Blow bubbles and watch as they die off in few seconds just like your childhood.
  42. Paper boats are no more in trend, you need to learn the art of making paper planes.
  43. Be happy that laundry gets dried quickly.
  44. Curse people who sweep and don't switch on the fan back and wish that they get a place in the hottest corner of the hell. 
  45. Keep your head in fridge after a long day outside. Don't pretend that you don't do this.
  46. Time for ice cube fight. Hit all the people.
  47. Keep cooling off your body from inside - with gory red water melon.
  48. Shut down your body by fainting under hot sun.
  49. Stay under shower forever and don't let anyone else shower.
  50. Time to reduce the coverage of clothes gradually till people start complaining.


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